Adam is a pied piper. When it comes to community engagement he is a natural, engaging people of all ages, abilities, ethnic and cultural backgrounds to create beautiful sounds. ” - Kelsa Robinson

— CityFolk "Culture Builds Community"

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Adam Elfers, Song Circles and Community Celebrations

•15 years experience leading  drum circles, instrument making workshops, and song circles 

•Over 75 workshops in USA and Latin America 

•Featured at: LA TIMES, Humano International Film Festival (Mexico), Tufts University, Centro De Artes Musicales,  Wright State University and festivals and gatherings across the USA and Latin America 

•Workshops and Presentations:

Mishawaka (Trevor Hall), Rising Appalachia (Leylines Tour), Arise, Shangri-La, Up To Us tour, Pyro, Rootwire, Beloved, Project Earth, Resonance, Paradise, Spring-Up, Singing Alive Kauia (Hawaii), Village Fire Song Circle Immersion 

•Civic: City of Dayton Ohio, Dayton Public Schools, K12 Arts Gallery, Autonomous University of Baja California 

•Rhythm and Group Song ALL AGES 


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