When Adam plays there is no audience. Every soul becomes involved in a primal music ceremony of movement, voices and energy.” - Jony Fox

Adam Elfers & Forest People

Adam Elfers & Forest People
Conscious World Fusion;
Songs For Wild Spirits

•Performed at Festivals: Electric Forest, Shangri-La, Beloved, Arise, Project Earth, Pyro, Flow Fest, ReKinection

•Opened for: Satsang x3, Dustin Thomas, Mike Love, Handmade Moments

•Featured Speaker/Presenter: 
-Trevor Hall (Mishawaka 2019) 
-Rising Appalachia (Leylines tour) 
-Arise Music Festival 2019

•Facilitated at: Resonance, Playthink, Paradise, Rootwire, Wookiefoot Fests: Shangri-La & Project Earth 

•Toured with Cas Haley, Rising Appalachia 2018-2019 

•Featured in LA Times for musical activism 2019 https://www.latimes.com/espanol/eeuu/la-es-the-bridge-el-puente-un-proyecto-musical-que-tiene-su-origen-en-las-caravanas-de-migrantes-20190425-story.html


